Cards: Like Two

【現代銃】|| “Modern Gun”

Soul Gun: A Flash Cutting through the Past

• Inflicts 1.62x (Max. 2.7x) damage to all enemies, and decreases targets’ Attack by 10% (10 sec).

Skill: Opportunistic Shot

• Inflicts 0.81x (Max. 1.35x) damage to all enemies, and decreases targets’ hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Push-Back Approach

• Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies with 50% or more HP remaining.

【Be Ruthless】|| "Be Ruthless"

Soul Gun: Hide and Seek?

• Inflicts 3.78x (Max. 5.4x) damage to a single enemy, and decreases targets’ Attack by 10% (10 sec).

Skill: Static Shot

• Inflicts 1.89x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy and decreases targets’ hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Clean-Up Approach

• Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies with 50% or less HP remaining.

【路地裏の追跡】|| “Back-Alley Chase”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Hide and Seek?

• Inflicts 4.32x (Max. 5.4x) damage to a single enemy and decreases target’s hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Skill: Static Shot

• Inflicts 2.16x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy, and decreases target’s hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Clean-Up Approach

• Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies with 50% or less HP remaining.

Card Commentary:

This is the tale of his daily life, both before and after being summoned. After hearing that Like Two often takes to the city at night for reasons unknown, the protagonist begins to follow him. However...

“You’re not gonna tag along any farther than this, idiot.”

Soul Gun Commentary:

You don’t understand me? Or rather, what did you think you knew about me? Some things are better left unknown, you voyeur.

【どんな代償を払おうとも】|| "No Matter the Cost"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: A Flash Cutting through the Past

• Inflicts 2.16x (Max. 2.7x) damage to all enemies, and decreases targets’ Attack by 10% (10 sec).

Skill: Opportunistic Fire

• Inflicts 1.08x damage to all enemies, and decreases targets’ hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Push-Back Approach

• Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies with 50% or more HP remaining.

Card Commentary:

Do you want the power to accomplish something, no matter what means must be used or what cost must be paid? When asked that question, he agreed without hesitation. There’s already nothing left to protect. Still, he raises his head once again to wipe away the disgrace.

Soul Gun Commentary:

“You are already—” My memories cut off at that moment. How laughable. What a spectacular failure I am. So I threw it away. Cutting off both the past and the hair that represented it, I—

【ハート、砕く記憶】|| “Heart, Shattered Memory”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Fragile Orbit

• Inflicts 4.32x (Max. 5.4x) damage to a single enemy, and decreases target’s Defense by 10% (10 sec).

Skill: Containment Shot

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Overflowing Emotions

• Soul Gun damage is increased by 27.5% (Max. 50%).

Card Commentary:

This is the memory of his determination. He doesn’t want to hurt what’s precious. Those cold, dismissive words are a vow to never again repeat his mistakes. Not said aloud, but sung in his heart.

Soul Gun Commentary:

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to take the hand you offer me. Straightforward emotions come too close to the days I’ve lost. ...that’s why I brush you aside. I don’t want to see bloodstained guns anymore.

【ELAN May Issue】|| ELAN May Issue

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Impact of Elegance

• Inflicts 4.32x (Max. 5.4x) damage to a single enemy and stuns the target for 5 sec.

Skill: Beauty Strike

• Inflicts 2.16x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy, and increases own Attack by 20% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Sharp Shot

• Critical rate is increased by 22% (Max. 40%).

Card Commentary:

Wearing heels and stylish clothes reminds him of his former self. And yet, the camera clearly captures his expression as he decides to keep walking forward.

Soul Gun Commentary:

A new me in the mirror, a racing heartbeat, and an awkward smile. Strike the magic, unbreakable heels, and let’s go— to the shining place where everyone awaits.

【巻き込まれてむかっ腹】|| "Caught up in Anger"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Hide and Seek?

• Inflicts 4.32x (Max. 5.4x) damage to a single enemy and decreases target’s hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Skill: Static Shot

• Inflicts 2.16x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy, and decreases the target’s hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Utilization: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Defence is increased by 22% (Max. 40%).

Trait 2: Attack Basics

• Normal attack damage is increased by 16.5% (Max. 30%).

Card Commentary:

Dragged into a quarrel between brothers, Like Two single-handedly takes on the group of Outragers. While he’s annoyed with the two, he can’t help but think back on his own older brother.

Soul Gun Commentary:

No one will stop messing around. All you’ll do is shove your jobs at each other— is there no one here who’s got it together? Damn it! I’ll handle this, so come at me. I’ll erase all of you... a centipede!?

【支配の追憶:傲慢】|| “Remembering Dominion: Pride”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Fragile Orbit: Break

• Inflicts 5.76x damage to a single enemy, and decreases the target’s Attack and Defense by 15% (10 sec).

Skill: Opportunistic Shot: Cool Line

• Inflicts 1.2x damage to all enemies, and decreases the targets’ hit rate by 15% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Homeland Emblem: UK

• When the battlefield is in England, Soul Gun damage increases by 55% (Max. 100%).

Trait 2: Ruthless Sting

• Critical rate is increased by 22% (Max. 40%). Soul Gun damage increases by 2.7% (Max. 5%) for every Modern gun in the main or sub unit.

Card Commentary:

This is a fragment of someone’s distant memory, the memory of a Musketeer from seven years ago, now seen as evil by the world. All he had to do was crush the insects that ate away at their righteous rule. And he believed that it was righteous.

Soul Gun Commentary:

What should I do now? Where did I go wrong? “He” mutters these things to himself in the dead of night. Inside a dream, a refrain of remorse and nostalgia rings out like an alarm.

【1周年を君と】|| “A Whole Year with You”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Shopping Date

• Inflicts 5.76x damage to a single enemy, and increases own Attack and hit rate by 15% (10 sec).

Skill: Gun Salute: 1st Anniversary!

• Inflicts 2.4x damage to a single enemy, and increases own Attack and hit rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Nation’s Pride: UK

• England Group units’ Critical rate is increased by 5.5%, and Attack and Defense are increased by 5.5% when the battlefield is in England.

Trait 2: Go Ahead

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

Card Commentary:

Master and Musketeers, their way of existing together. As long as you live with guns, there will be no peace. But we’ll still keep moving forward. Like the brilliant sun rising in the sky, cutting through the night— no despair will last forever

Soul Gun Commentary:

No matter what the future holds, I can face it with you. Absolutely.